Junior Ambassadors

The Junior Ambassadors TBUC programme is a cross community contact programme with out partner group Townsend Street Outreach from Lower Shankill. The young people aged 8-12 years of age have a fortnightly contact programme where we visit each others centres and build relationships while having fun and playing games.

Young Mens Group

The young mens group were at White Park Bay last weekend as part of the personal and social development programme. the lads had a combination of activities and the completion of their learning dreams personal action planning. This process sets out their journey through education and employment for the years ahead.

Ambassadors for Peace Programme

The young people involved in our cross community contact programme in partnership with Townsend Street Outreach Centre had the privilege of taking part in the Wave Trauma Centres Silent Witness Programme. The 22 young people from Lower Shankill & Falls communities completed a workshop with four victims of the conflict. The young people heard personal testimonies of the lived reality of being a direct victim of paramilitary violence. The young people also got to visit Colin Davidson’s art exhibition, meet and here his perspective on the conflict. The was a deep and meaningful a workshop we have attended. Many thanks to Wave, Colin Davidson, QUB, Ulster Museum, Rev, Tracy McRoberts and Fr. Martin Magill for all their help and support.